Publishers of Connecticut Law Books
22 Grassmere Avenue
West Hartford, Connecticut 06110
(860) 231-9300 (800) 259-5534
Alternate Dispute Resolution In
Connecticut's Courts
the Honorable Beverly J. Hodgson and Louis. I. Parley, Esq.
Including the current supplement Free
A $135.00 Value for Just $95.00
- More and more disputes are being decided in arbitrations
and other alternatives to trial. How can arbitration obligations be enforced? How
are the hearings conducted? What are the prospects for setting awards
aside? This volume, updated to August l7, 2011, answers such questions
in detail, with practice pointers and the latest case law. It's
a how-to for those just starting out in ADR and a detailed reference
on the fine points as well.
In addition to
Jury Case Arbitration, this book covers:
Contractual Arbitration |
Diversion to Private ADR
efforts |
Drafting Arbitration Agreements |
Court Review |
Attorney Trial Referee Program |
Appellate Review |
Fact-Finding Program |
And More |
Practice Notes, a Comprehensive Index and Table of Authorities